Imagine your first days at university. As a novice you are beaming with enthusiasm and curiosity. Now imagine the subject matter of your choice being taught in a foreign language you do not grasp – at all. It sounds like a horror story.
But it is bitter reality for most of the girls at Dar Moustaqbel. That’s why we offer ten hours of supplementary French classes weekly in Dar Moustaqbel’s study hall. Everyone of our students receives at least four hours of French every week, students that need to catch up are offered extra supplementary classes. The results of these regular French lessons, that started in September last year, are enormous. ‘I can finally understand most of what my professors say’, explains Khadija ait Isaguen, who remembers crying often in her first few weeks as a university student.
After a year of weekly lessons, Khadija ait Isaguen has become the third in her class. She has made enormous progress. While she couldn’t read messages in French at the beginning of the year, by summer she was reading and writing them without any problems. Sometimes, complex problems can be solved with simple solutions.