We need your help!
Onze gedachten en gebeden gaan uit naar iedereen die getroffen is door de aardbeving in Marokko. De 80 studenten van Dar Moustaqbel en veel van onze alumni zijn veilig, maar een groot deel van hun familie woont in de zwaarst getroffen gebieden. De teller staat nu op 73 dodelijke slachtoffers onder hun naaste familieleden. Ouders, broers en zussen kwamen onder het puin terecht. Hele dorpen zijn verwoest.
Al onze huidige studenten zijn tijdelijk ondergebracht in Dar Moustaqbel Issil, dat de beving goed heeft doorstaan. Ons studentenhuis in de medina is beschadigd. Sinds 2016 helpt Dar Moustaqbel jonge kansarme studentes uit rurale gebieden in het zuiden van Marokko bij hun inspanningen door te zorgen voor studentenhuisvesting, gezonde voeding en een rijk onderwijsprogramma.
Nu is daar een belangrijke taak bijgekomen. Noodhulp aan de getroffen dorpen en wederopbouw van de huizen van de zwaar getroffen families in nauw overleg met de verwoeste gemeenschappen. Deze is in volle gang. Wij, onze studenten, alumni, medewerkers, bestuursleden en andere vrijwilligers. doen er alles aan om de getroffen dorpsgemeenschappen zo snel mogelijk te helpen met hun dringende noden en toekomstperspectieven. Als je ons wilt helpen bij de wederopbouw en het bieden van noodhulp, kijk dan op onze donatiepagina. Veel dank aan onze donateurs en iedereen die ons steunbetuigingen heeft gestuurd.
Our thoughts and prayers go out to everyone affected by the earthquake in Morocco. The 80 students of Dar Moustaqbel and many of our alumni are safe, but a large number of their families live in the hardest hit areas. The tally now stands at 73 fatalities among their close family members. Parents, brothers and sisters died under the rubble. Entire villages have been destroyed.
All our current students are temporarily sheltered in Dar Moustaqbel Issil, which withstood the quake well. Our dorm in the medina has been damaged. Since 2016 Dar Moustaqbel has been helping young underprivileged female students from rural southern Morocco in their endeavors, by providing student housing, healthy food and a rich educational program.
Now an important task has been added. Emergency relief to the affected villages and rebuilding the homes of the severely affected families in close consultation with the devastated communities. We, our students, alumni, staff, board members, and other volunteers are doing everything we can to support the affected village communities with their urgent needs and to provide future prospects as soon as possible. If you would like to help us rebuild and provide emergency relief, please check out our donation page. Many thanks to our donors and everyone who sent us messages of support.
Dar Moustaqbel
Dar Moustaqbel (arabic for house of the future) is a student residence that strives to create social impact among disadvantaged female students from rural areas. Dar Moustaqbel offers girls, that would struggle otherwise, a chance to pursue higher education.
Our home has become a safe haven to 55 girls from isolated villages in rural Morocco. A place where students can prosper while pursuing higher education. A stepping stone for those that need it most.
Moustaqbel provides its students with the building blocks they need for a successful integration into the workforce. Due to the failures of state schools, the girls often lack the basic knowledge they need for a successful entry in higher education. Dar Moustaqbel does its utmost to help the girls catch up. Education, discipline and personal development are at the center of attention.
Our outpost in the Netherlands, Moustaqbel Amsterdam, is located on one of the most beautiful canals of the capital, de Bloemgracht, in the Jordaan district. It is the ideal spot for your next business meeting, a workshop or presentation or use it as flex-work-space. On Mondays and Tuesdays we offer flex-work-places for those who want something different than working form home.
Moustaqbel Amsterdam provides an ideal space for different business purposes in a homely atmosphere to concentrate on your work, a project with colleagues or new business partners. To put it briefly a nice place where you will feel at home and welcome.
Besides renting out this location for your business, we also organise our own events. Check out our events calendar for upcoming film screenings, music evenings, iftars, souks, yoga or pop-up restaurant.
All profits of Moustaqbel Amsterdam go straight to Dar Moustaqbel in Marrakesh.