We operate through two foundations, one in Amsterdam (stichting Moustaqbel), and one in Marrakech (Fondation Moustaqbel), both legal entities under Dutch and Moroccan law respectively. This legal structure is necessary for both practical and legal reasons. It is also a stimulus for our strong roots in Moroccan society. Both foundations have the Dutch  “ANBI” status.

Dutch Moustaqbel Foundation board

The board of our Moustaqbel Foundation serves on a voluntary basis.

Name : Stichting Moustaqbel
Bank account: ABN AMRO Bank
Number: NL 19 ABNA 0822406764
KVK number: 66716284
ANBI number: 856670534

Hanneke van Hooff

Founder of the Foundation

Alou Van de Roemer

Chair of the Board of the Foundation

Carine Crielaers

Secretary of the Board of Directors with the Communication portfolio

Robert-Jan Wefers-Bettink

Treasurer of the Board of Directors

Ellen Hazenberg - Stoffer

Member of the board of directors with the funds portfolio

Saloua Essalhi

Member of the board

Moroccan Moustaqbel Foundation board

The board of our moroccan Moustaqbel Foundation serves on a voluntary basis and is very much rooted in the Moroccan society and that of Marrakech in  particular.

Name: Foundation Moustaqbel
Bank accountnumber IBAN:
MA 007 450 000175500030642394
Bank accountnumber RIB :  007 450 00017550 0030642394
BIC/swift code: BCMAMAMC
ANBI Number: 825529864 

Maître Abdelhamid Benjelloun

President of the board

Maître Madam Laila Benfdil

Treasurer of the board

Monsieur Khalil Mustapha

Secretary of the board


A gifted student home

Dar Moustaqbel does not pay rent. The historic 18th century property – newly renovated and ready to use – has been made available long term by the owners at no cost to the Moustaqbel Foundations. Solar panels provide the building with its own hot water supply. This investment and all fixed furnishings were a donation from the owners of the building. Costs involved in reparations and renovations are also carried by the owners. The running costs of the Moustaqbel Foundation consist of water electricity, gas, wifi, food, activities, professional support for our students by our team and teachers.


Fundraising has the highest priority. We are on a continuous search for sponsoring, donations, gifts, subsidies and private funds. In order to raise money, the Moustaqbel Foundation adopts a dynamic approach, earning funds in its Amsterdam outpost and involving a diversity of private donors, companies, schools and (non-governmental) organisations.

Both Moustaqbel Foundations are in compliance with Dutch tax authorities. This makes it possible for sponsors to deduct their donations fiscally in case of a five year commitment.

Donations are spent completely on the running costs of the project and in accordance with the statutes of the Moustaqbel Foundation. We would like to underline that all board members, both in the Netherlands and in Morocco, dedicate their time on a voluntary basis and do not receive any remuneration or reimbursement of travel costs.


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