A big welcome to English
April 18, 2018
While French has been the dominant language in Moroccan business circles for almost a century, English is rapidly winning ground. (more…)
April 18, 2018
While French has been the dominant language in Moroccan business circles for almost a century, English is rapidly winning ground. (more…)
April 10, 2018
The girls at Dar Moustaqbel ❤ yoga. Thanks to the teachers of yoga company Nosade, who often come by to give a lesson or two when they are in town, the girls have come to learn to enjoy yoga to the max. (more…)
April 5, 2018
Imagine your first days at university. Now imagine the subject matter of your choice being taught in a foreign language you do not grasp – at all. It sounds like a horror story. (more…)
March 13, 2018
‘Most people wouldn’t recognise an opportunity if it was staring them in the face’, says university professor in economics Dr. Nasser Bouchiba. Last weekend the girls at Dar Moustaqbel were initiated into the principles of entrepreneurship by economist and serial entrepreneur Dr. Bouchiba. (more…)
March 8, 2018
The girls and team at Dar Moustaqbel wish you a wonderful Women’s Day! We would like to express our deep-felt solidarity with women’s struggles all over the world. (more…)
March 1, 2018
‘This palace is still impressive even though it has been stripped of all its decorations’, says art historian Anissa Foukalne surrounded by our students in the magnificent ruin called Badi Palace. (more…)
January 19, 2018
Marhbabikoum! The first official presentation of Dar Moustaqbel is scheduled tonight at our base in Amsterdam. We are expecting you in large numbers. Feel free to join us. (more…)
January 18, 2018
‘Look at the ceiling in your study hall. This is part of the rich heritage that you will learn to understand during our tour’, says art historian Anissa Foukalne. (more…)
December 24, 2017
While Christmas celebrations are in full swing, the girls at Dar Moustaqbel are growing increasingly nervous about their exams. (more…)
December 1, 2017
Seventy square meters packed with girls lying on their backs, breathing. ‘Not as usual through your nose, but into your mouth and breathing out a bit quicker than in.’ (more…)